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Tutorial: An Introduction to Computational Argumentation

When faced with incomplete or inconsistent information, humans reason by using argumentation: by providing arguments for and against a topic and examining the relationships between these arguments, it can be decided which of them are acceptable. Within artificial intelligence (AI), the field of computational argumentation refers to the use of computational methods and tools to construct, analyse, and evaluate arguments in various fields such as law, politics and healthcare, notably for aiding transparent and interactive decision-making. Thanks to its logical foundations and rule-governed mechanisms, argumentation provides the appropriate support for computational reasoning engines, whereas the dialectical nature of argumentation and its similarity with common-sense reasoning makes it easier for users to understand its concepts. Thus, argumentation can be used by an AI system for providing explanations to its users that are close to the human way of thinking.

This tutorial delves into the domain of computational argumentation. Designed as a half-day session, the tutorial will be highly interactive, blending traditional lectures with engaging elements like games and demonstrations. Attendees will gain practical insights into how computational argumentation enhances the capabilities of AI systems. By combining theoretical foundations with interactive activities, the tutorial seeks to equip participants with a nuanced understanding of computational argumentation's practical applications and its potential to reshape the landscape of AI reasoning and decision-making. Our tutorial is targeted at students, researchers, and practitioners with an interest in human-centered AI, with no prior knowledge of computational argumentation required. The only requirement is bringing a laptop (or share one between a pair).

Practical information

The workshop will be held at the third International Conference on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence.


Tuesday 11 June 2024, 9:00 - 13:00


Malmö University, Niagara building

How to register?

For registration, see the website of HHAI2024.


Block 1: Argumentation in real life


Block 2: Structured argumentation


Block 3: Abstract argumentation

PyArg web interface for solving problems in computational argumentation

Block 4: Dialogue protocols and explanation


Block 5: Argument mining


Block 6: Argumentation in practice

Argumentation-based system for fraud intake at the Dutch police

Block 7: Discussion and closing




Handbook of formal argumentation

Baroni, P., Gabbay, D., Giacomin, M., & Van der Torre, L. (Eds.), 2018. Handbook of formal argumentation. College Publications.

Abstract argumentation frameworks

Dung, P.M., 1995. On the acceptability of arguments and its fundamental role in nonmonotonic reasoning, logic programming and n-person games. Artificial intelligence, 77(2), pp.321-357.

Structured argumentation frameworks

Besnard, P., Garcia, A., Hunter, A., Modgil, S., Prakken, H., Simari, G. and Toni, F., 2014. Introduction to structured argumentation. Argument & Computation, 5(1), pp.1-4.

Modgil, S. and Prakken, H., 2013. A general account of argumentation with preferences. Artificial Intelligence, 195, pp.361-397.


Walton, D. and Krabbe, E.C., 1995. Commitment in dialogue: Basic concepts of interpersonal reasoning. SUNY press.

Argumentation and explainable AI

Vassiliades, A., Bassiliades, N. and Patkos, T., 2021. Argumentation and explainable artificial intelligence: a survey. The Knowledge Engineering Review, 36, p.e5.

Argument mining

Lawrence, J. and Reed, C., 2020. Argument mining: A survey. Computational Linguistics, 45(4), pp.765-818.

Cabrio, E., & Villata, S. (2018). Five years of argument mining: a data-driven analysis. In Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence pp. 5427–5433.

Contact Us


Elfia Bezou Vrakatseli, elfia.bezou_vrakatseli@kcl.ac.uk

Daphne Odekerken, d.odekerken@uu.nl

Andreas Xydis, axydis@lincoln.ac.uk

If you have any questions regarding OHAAI, please contact us at:
