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Workshop - DREXA: Dialogues-Reasoning-Ethics-Explainability-Argumentation

When faced with incomplete or inconsistent information, humans reason by using argumentation: by providing arguments for and against a topic, examining the relationships between them, and, then, deciding which of them are acceptable. This way, the epistemic state of the discussed topic can be evaluated. In the context of AI, the field of computational argumentation refers to the use of computational methods and tools to construct, analyse, and evaluate arguments in various fields.

It leverages logical foundations and rule-governed mechanisms to enable reasoning engines, while its dialectical nature and affinity with common-sense reasoning make it more comprehensible to users. Computational argumentation also enables AI systems to justify their conclusions by providing a structured representation of the arguments supporting them. This transparency not only enhances trust and accountability but also allows users to understand and critique the reasoning process, leading to more informed decision-making.

This workshop is designed to delve into the dynamic and interdisciplinary field of computational argumentation, focusing on a range of pertinent topics:

  • Argumentation Theory
  • Reasoning
  • Non-monotonic Logic
  • Explainable AI (XAI)
  • AI Ethics
  • Dialogue Systems
  • Human-AI Collaboration
  • Machine Learning Algorithms for Argument Mining

Practical information

The workshop will be held at the 13th Computing Conference 2025.


June 19, 2025


Clayton Hotel Chiswick, London, UK

How to register?

For registration, see the website of Computing Conference 2025.


Elfia Bezou-Vrakatseli

Elfia Bezou-Vrakatseli (elfia.bezou_vrakatseli@kcl.ac.uk) is a PhD candidate in the UK Research and Innovation Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted Artificial Intelligence at King's College London, where she is also the representative of the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion committee. Her expertise is in argumentation and her research focuses on using argumentation tools to enhance the communication between humans and between humans and AI systems.

Elfia Bezou-Vrakatseli

Andreas Xydis

Andreas Xydis (AXydis@lincoln.ac.uk) is currently a Post-Doctoral Research Associate in Intelligent Systems at the Lincoln Institute for Agri-food Technology (LIAT) in the University of Lincoln, UK. His expertise is in argumentation and his research focuses on argumentation-based dialogues, non-monotonic reasoning and using argumentation tools for explainability purposes, aiming at bridging the gap between formal logic-based models of dialogue and communication as witnessed in real-world dialogue, enhancing the communication between humans and/or AI systems as well as the trustworthiness of humans towards AI systems.

Madeleine Waller

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